Writer of the Week – Lynn McLaughlin Video Interview

Steering Through It: Navigating Life-Threatening Illness… Acceptance, Survival and Healing, by Lynn McLaughlin

“I had no idea what the future held – whether I would be alive for one more day, or for even another hour. At that moment, the clock stopped…That was the day I began journaling. My boat had started to rock, and I could not see a clear course forward through the oncoming storm.”

A life-threatening illness crushes the world around you, and around those you love. How do we all cope with the diagnosis physically, emotionally, and spiritually?  How do we move on? What are the most helpful ways to support others in crisis? In the end, what does it all mean?

The author shares her most personal thoughts, fears and triumphs over the most challenging year of her life. The voices of friends and family members ring true and move the reader to a powerfully emotional and honest reflection of one’s own beliefs and life’s purpose.

Lynn McLaughlin is a Canadian educator who has spent her life devoted to ensuring each of us meets our full potential. Mother of three wonderful children, she currently lives with her husband in southern Ontario.

Lynn began journaling the day she received a life-threatening diagnosis. Grateful for an amazing support network, she is now passionate about sharing her journey of fear and survival. It is Lynn’s hope that be travelling with her through experiences and reflections, you will be empowered to advocate for yourself and others regardless of the challenges.

Visit Lynn’s website SteeringThroughIt.com

Steering Through It: Navigating Life-Threatening Illness… Acceptance, Survival and Healing can be bought at:


