Writer of the Week – Allison Holland Video Interview

Raspberry Sassafras Children’s Book Series, by Allison Holland

In Raspberry Sassafras: I Am A Cow, the second book in the series, Raspberry’s secrets have been revealed. But despite being the most unique cow in the city, when she visits a dog park, she learns that, no matter how much one wants to be part of a group, sometimes its hard to fit in. And, in return, she teaches others an important lesson in tolerance and acceptance. (Get the eBook) (Read a sample)

In the first book, Raspberry Sassafras we meet Raspberry and Jane and join them exploring the big city together as Raspberry gets to know her new home. Along the way, Raspberry learns that life in the city is quite different from life on the farm, and the reader learns that there’s something very different about Raspberry; and that maybe she isn’t the simple little farm cow she seems to be. (Get the eBook) (Read a sample)

The third book, Raspberry Sassafras: The Famous Flying Cow (oops! spoiler alert!), finds Raspberry stuck in a quandary. After deciding not to call attention to herself and her special talents, she ends up in a situation that calls for sticking to her decision or taking important action. Her choice has profound results that throws her life into a whirlwind of action and adventure! (Get the eBook) (Read a sample)

Learn more about Raspberry Sassafras at RaspberrySassafras.com

The Raspberry Sassafras series can be bought on:

